10 good things, 10 bad things and 10 instructions about GAMING

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Welcome all,

Thanks for reading my posts. In this page I'm trying to write about the topic “how to make your PC games/video games useful to your life”.

Can you believe it? You can use your indoor games useful to your life. But before going to play, you must read the following tree bullets.

10 Good things of controlled gaming.

  • Playing good and quality games will enhance your intelligences very higher.
  • It enhances your concentration, attention and some amount of self confidence.
  • Playing some games will make you to face serious problems that you come across your life.
  • Some games can increase your memory.
  • It is a very good idea that, you can play some simple games between breaks of a long job. Or even as time pass (but not play for time paaaaaaass...didn't you know that time is precious?).
  • Games can remove some amount of worries, sorrows, stress, etc, from your mind and bring your happiness back.
  • You can practice your favorite games(football, tennis, chess, etc.) without real opponents in any difficulties. You can also make your new styles and actions with the help of these PC games.
  • Playing some games will provoke your multiple tasking ability.
  • GK games are very useful to enhance your knowledge.
  • The gaming industry is very valuable. Thousands of dollars can be earned from creating games.

All these good things arise only from controlled gaming. Never be a game addict.

10 Bad things of uncontrolled gaming.

  1. 'Always gaming' will cause damage to your ORGANS like eyes, ears, muscles, etc,.
  2. Long gaming will affect your ABILITIES like concentration, memory, IQ, etc,.
  3. It will also cause strong back pain.
  4. Strong gaming may delete KNOWLEDGE from your brain.
  5. Some games may putt your mind to VIOLENCE mood.
  6. Long gaming will take your valuable TIME
  7. uncontrolled gaming produces blood pressure, diabetics, fatness, muscle pain, join pain, etc,.
  8. After gaming, you may not able to do much concentrating jobs.
  9. Games are not real or they are only illustrations of reality. So never trust completely on them.
  10. Overall, gaming is good and also bad.

All these problems arise from uncontrolled and/or long and irregular gaming.

Instructions during gaming (must);

  1. The maximum time to play PC/video games is 2hour/day. Never try to pass over this period.
  2. Never play games that morally wrong or games that provoke violence. Or if you want to play them, just play but forget it's theme, idea and behavior. Keep in mind that games are only for good purpose only.
  3. In most times, try to play IQ games or games that will enhance your abilities like memory, IQ, concentration, etc,. You may not able to play them first, but it will be interesting in future.
  4. Never, ever addict to a particular game or a particular kind of games. Play different games in different times. LIFE IS A GAME BUT IT IS NOT FOR GAMING.
  5. Never play games when your mind has full of energy. The best times are after long jobs, after having food, times when mind is disturbed, etc,.
  6. It is a good idea that you can play games in intervals if tough jobs. But never lose your attention to the job.
  7. Never lose your time for playing games,... TIME IS VALUABLE.
  8. Only play good games. Search 'lists of good games' in webs and play them.
  9. Playing a real game is much much more than playing that game in PC.
  10. Finally, read the full post one more time! You will get something more.

Thanks for reading. To done this complete, I need your commends.

                                                                _______________________HAVE A NICE DAY


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