What is Concentration?
Every human can increase his/her level of concentration. But it takes time efforts. Before going 'how to increase concentration' read and understand the following questions or facts.
- What is concentration?Concentration means 'to avoid other things from your mind and surroundings and just focus only on one thing as much as possible'.
- What is rate of concentration?The rate of concentration is 'how much you involved in your matter'. The more you focus, more you concentrate. It can also express in terms of percentage(%). If your rate of concentration is 0% your level of concentration is nothing(you are doing nothing). 100% concentration means you focused on a thing and forgot ALL the other things from your mind!
- Is 100% concentration possible?NO. It is proved that 100% concentration is not possible by a human being.
- If 100% concentration is not possible, what is the highest value?The maximum concentration that can be achieved by a human is up to 95%-98% (do not wonder, you can also get that level).
- Why 98-100 rate of concentration is not possible?That is possible, but not by human! A person who has 98-100% of concentration can considered as a SAINT! (a person who has special powers {did you heard '6th sense before?} ). We don't want to be saints, right? Then continue,
- Is there any relation between concentration and talent?A person who has a high level of concentration is known as talented person.
- What is the minimum rate of concentration wanted for a talented person?If a person shows about 10% of concentration in his work, he will done it properly! If he has 20% he will done it perfectly and fast! And, a talented person has at least 30-35% of concentration.(note: to be a talented person, concentration is not only the parameter. Knowledge, IQ.... also needed).
- Has everyone had concentration?Yes, every human have there own level of concentration naturally. To check this, just observe the persons who are watching movies, shows, sports or persons who playing games, cooking alone, etc,. Try to look at their face, how about their concentration? You are also like them. All of them are concentrating about 5-40% . (excuse me, are you concentrating NOW?)
To Increase Concentration?
are my answers to 'increase concentration'. Read them carefully and
try to do them.
- Decide or aware what you are concentrating on.
just concentrate the things that will enhance your life. This is only an advise. Let you focused only on the matters that will helps you in any ways.
- Be confident.“I can do concentrate it, I'll accomplish this in less time than I calculated, the only person who can done this is me”- did you say like this any time before? BE CONFIDENT. Try to read some inspiring books.
- Be patient.Any kind of abilities like concentration, memory, intelligence, etc, are cannot be increased/decreased instantly. It is a continues process. Be confident and patient and work hard.
- Be calm.One of the best ways to enhance concentration is 'calm your mind'. If you wish concentration be simple minded in all means. Over talking, over eating, became anger, feared, etc, will kill your level of concentration. (think, why archers and shooters take more time for shoot).
- Beware your surroundings.I read that “some of the enemies of concentration skills are constant sensory inputs”. Yah, loud noises, flashing light pattens, unfavorable conditions, etc, are those. Beware and don't let them to enter your mind. Can you read something in very near a construction site? Do not get your mind in such disasters.(What will you do when you face a sudden quiz competition? Close your eyes and do some fast and strong breaths(5-10times) and focus it. Feel the change).
- Be connected to mind.Which is more valuable, mind or body??? can you answer?Your mind controls your body. But without body the mind is useless. Right?(Actually what is your mind? Your head? Brain? Something inside your brain? Or something like spiritual..... What ever it is, I say that mind is more than body.Why? Let's consider that your whole body to a whole country. Then your head is the palace, the throne room is your brain and the KING is your mind. Now,all is simple, controlling the king means the control of the whole country. The king can solve/cure anything happening in his country with a simple commend. Taking over the king means the taking over of the whole country! Like the same way, controlling the mind turns the controlling of the body. (but why control the body? Think). (I know, you think that you are already controlling your body and mind? That is not correct. Think about it yourself at different conditions). Strong concentration is the only way to control your mind)your mind controls the body. Everything you do with your body(walking,eating,thinking) is by your mind.Try to understand that 'you are not a mind or body! You are more than mind or think like this, “I'm the god of my mind”. All you need to do is to connect your mind and body together.
- Be try to breath.It doesn't means that you are not breathing all the time. I mean the following,.One way to connect your body with your mind is breath. It is proved the connection between them. Whenever your body or mind need attention or it is disturbed, do some long and strong breath with your closed eyes. Who knows the time of sudden challenges.
- Be meditate.The meaning of strong concentration means the meditation. It can connect your body to your mind. Learn some meditation steps and do it continually. You will be able to concentrate about 60-85% from this. From deep meditation, you can achieve up to 95% of concentration. Meditation not only increase your concentration but also increase your memory, patience, IQ, etc,. And decrease your mental stress, fear, etc,.
- Be concentrate.Be concentrate. Always command to your mind that “now you are going to concentrate”. Think before you concentrate. Be concentrate only for one good reasons. Do a re-read the above all '8 ways' and coordinate them all in your life.Finally find some other ways to increase your concentration. (because, the only person who know all about you completely is you). And you must do that.
Refresh your mind often. Long time meditation or deep concentration
will take your mind to an another world. A world of peace and calm!
As a social animal, you don't want deeeep concentration(you just want
a talented person, right?). So i recommend you to take break. Go
outside or talk to your girlfriend/boyfriend or something like this.
Do this very often when you are in some hard work.}
Thank you for reading my post, kindly ignore if I have any problem.
think you got some idea to increase your concentration. Remember, concentration needs your mind, and it dislikes high sensory inputs.
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